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Kylemore Nursery School, Coleraine
From September 2025 we will provide 52 funded full time places. 4.5 hours per day
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This week's update - Monday 15th June 2020

18th Jun 2020

Good morning!
Hopefully you’ve all had a chance to relax and are ready for the week ahead. Even though the doors of the school are closed currently things have not stopped moving forward.

It's unfortunate that your child's school year ended so abruptly. We realise how disappointing this has been for you, your child and also for the staff. We were hoping to meet again before the end of term but unfortunately this has not been possible. However there are many items that belong to your children in school that you might wish to collect.
As a result we have set specific dates and times next week so you can pick up your child's items from nursery, such as their art work, medications, changes of clothes etc.
We can only accommodate a maximum of 13 adults at any pick up slot. Your allocated pick up time slot has been emailed to you and social distancing will be adhered to.

The staff are looking ahead and planning for our new intake while still awaiting DE guidance as to how learning will look in the next school year.

Thank you to you all for sharing pictures and video clips of your child learning at home.

For the last time this school year Alison, Heather, Louise and I will share more ideas with you through Evidence Me at the start of this week. There will also be the music clips from Louise. We hope you’re enjoying joining in with these...
On Friday next - 19th June - each child’s learning journey will be shared with you.

As always we can be contacted by email to answer any queries or questions.; just send us an email to
Have a good week.
