Outdoor/Indoor Play
Some parents have expressed a concern during the telephone chats about their child being outdoors as the weather gets colder.
We want to assure you that the children are not outside for the full 2 hours 15 minutes each day. However to be Indoors/ Outdoors - is an individual class decision that we make for our class. As we work with the child’s best interests at heart we take the children’s lead. If some children want to be outdoors we respect their wishes and work accordingly - 1 staff member in and 1 out or other plans to allow indoor and outdoor access. This is our normal practice.
And remember any learning that can take place indoors can also take place outdoors....
Thank you!
Kylemore Nursery School, Kylemore Road, Coleraine, BT51 3HG | Telephone: 028 7034 4893