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Kylemore Nursery School, Coleraine
From September 2025 we will provide 52 funded full time places. 4.5 hours per day
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Special Educational Needs

All children have different needs and we aim to cater for their individuality. We work closely with other professionals such as speech therapists, educational psychologists and physiotherapist, depending on the needs of the individual. 

Children with special educational needs are welcomed into the nursery school. Settling in and attendance may need to be more gradual in some circumstances: any decision made will be in the best interests of the child, and in the best interests of the remainder of the class.

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Hilary Hutchinson. Her role is to discuss children with the class teachers and co-ordinate support that a child may need in nursery school. She will liaise with external support services who may give advice and provide support. She also coordinates Annual Review meetings before a child with a Statement of Special Educational Needs moves to the next stage of Education. 

Once settled into nursery school, the individual needs of all children and the ability of the staff to work effectively with the group are taken into consideration when further decisions are made. We are mindful of the need to maintain the quality of provision for each child in our care. 

Where staff feel that there is a concern in relation to any child's development we will request parental consent to involve those professionals who may be concerned for the educational needs and welfare of the individual child. 

At all stages parents will be kept informed of any decisions made.