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Kylemore Nursery School, Coleraine
From September 2025 we will provide 52 funded full time places. 4.5 hours per day
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Admission & Transitions

Please follow this link for information 

Transition is the means by which children experience a smooth passage from one setting or stage to another, for example, from home/day-care to pre-school or from pre-school to the first year of Foundation Stage in primary school.

Children's experiences prior to starting pre-school will vary and this is considered when planning the induction process. A significant number of children may have experienced some form of day-care prior to starting pre-school, some may have also taken part in the Sure Start Developmental Programme for 2/3 year olds, and others may have been in statutory pre-school settings in their penultimate pre-school year. It is the responsibility of the pre-school setting and the parents to prepare the child for attending the nursery. Where a parent feels it would help we welcome drop in visits - these may be arranged with the principal.

Generally we expect that the majority of children should be settled within the first three weeks of September, with all children attending daily, for their full session, no later than the end of September.  Children may not all be happy to leave their parent as readily as their peers.  This is where we individualise the programme to meet the child’s individual circumstances and special educational needs.  Parents are welcome to remain in nursery during the settling in process, but our aim is to ensure that firm, trusting relationships with staff are established and the parent/career can leave confidently as soon as possible. 

Transition to nursery school can be a challenging time for young children and their parents. At Kylemore it is planned for by staff and begins with your child attending short sessions in small groups.  

Parents are then made aware of the settling in procedure at the Parent meeting in June. 

The principal engages with parents, and where possible other care/education providers and other professionals (health, speech and language therapy, social services, educational psychology etc) to gather all relevant information about a child’s needs and previous experiences in order to plan an appropriate programme of learning.